I’m continuing to receive an unprecedented number of emails supporting Black Lives Matter. Thank you. We need to turn this anger into action and I look forward to working with you on how to create lasting and meaningful change.

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This is a difficult time for many people living in Hackney. However, there is support available to you. This is a quick changing situation and I will keep the below links updated. Please remember my office remains open so please email meg.hillier.mp@parliament.uk if you need any assistance. 

Government information: For all information and guidance released by the Government about Coronavirus (COVID-19), please see here; https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus

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The Government needs to step up and radically improve the test, track and trace system. 

Hackney Council is a pioneer borough piloting localised tracking and tracing, but it is not getting the data it needs from the central system. If someone is tracked as having been close to an infected person, all Hackney gets is information that they live somewhere in the borough.

This is not good enough. We can’t return to any safe sense of normality until the Government gets this right.

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The Government is failing vulnerable children with no proper plan for schools and pupils.

There's no catch-up plan. It beggars belief that there was no planning in place. The Education Secretary is asleep on the job.

The Government cannot just give up on supporting vulnerable children and their families in the middle of a crisis. I’ll keep pressing the for support for all pupils. We cannot risk a lost generation.

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The scenes from the US and the outrageously racially divisive approach of Donald Trump are very distressing. I'm backing Dawn Butler MP's call to end the export of riot gear to the US.

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Enjoy your weekend in Hackney parks but please treat them with respect.

Hackney Council will be opening public toilets - if you get caught short don't use the bushes. Park staff have worked hard to keep these vital spaces open and clean. Please respect them and other park users

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This week I challenged the Prime Minister on his double standards for lockdown at the Liaison Committee. This is the select committee made up of the heads of the other House of Commons select committees. You can see clips of my questions here and here.   

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The Government's Self-Employed Income Support Scheme does not do enough to support the self-employed and freelancers. I have been contacted by many people in Hackney who are directors of limited companies or freelancers on short-term contracts who are cut off from support. 

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It’s clear that for Hackney schools and workplaces to return safely, we need a test, track and trace system in place. I continue to make the case to Government that it needs to be done at the local level. In Hackney, we have the experience and capability to deliver. Our Council, community leaders and health professionals stand ready to help.

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