Good news this week as the Government listened to my concerns about late night drinking in streets and parks, and backtracked on some of its proposed easing of licensing restrictions. No off-premises sales will now be permitted after 11pm.

This should help tackle some of the antisocial behaviour we’ve been seeing most weekends in Hackney parks like London Fields.

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A number of constituents contacted me to raise their concerns about Israel's plans to annex parts of the West Bank. I wrote to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and received this response from the Minister for the Middle East and North Africa.


I am pleased to see that the Government has condemned these actions. I believe the best way to end this conflict would be a two state solution. 

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Young Hackney – I want to hear your voice!

The English Speaking Union’s ‘Festival of Speaking’ is your chance to record a quick clip of you speaking about anything you are passionate about. You can also recite a poem or a play. 

Click here to find out more and don’t forget to use the hashtags #esuhackney and #esufestivalofspeaking so I can hear what you have to say.

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Weekend raves in local parks like London Fields cannot continue. Without proper safeguards, the Government’s rushed easing of alcohol licensing restrictions is only making things worse.

Of course, businesses need support but not at any cost. We have already seen antisocial behaviour on a scale that would have been unimaginable a few months ago.

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The Chancellor’s announced more spending but still nothing for the forgotten freelancers. These are the hardworking taxpayers who are falling through the gaps in Government support. I’ve been clear that surviving on zero income is not a solution – these people cannot live on air alone.

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Before Covid-19 I held open advice surgeries at Hackney Town Hall twice a month for local residents as well as local doorstep surgeries.

With lockdown measures being slowly eased by the Government, I am looking at how to hold advice surgeries and meet with residents. I understand that not everyone has access to the internet and face to face appointments provide a vital service for many. However, ensuring everyone’s safety is the most important issue.

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I secured a debate on domestic abuse and black women. Smaller specialist organisations often do not have the finances or resources to bid for larger contracts. This has resulted in the erosion of black and minority ethnic specialist services. These services provide a lifeline for women when they are at their most vulnerable. We need greater representation of the needs of black women at policy level. No decision that disproportionately affects black women should be made without them.

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The systemic injustice of low-pay and poor working conditions in the NHS needs to end.

Many NHS trusts and hospitals, including Homerton hospital, depend upon low-paid workers and outsourced agency staff in order to remain financially solvent. This is unacceptable.

The Government needs to step up and fund the NHS so that poverty pay and poor working conditions are not baked into funding models.

Every person working in a hospital – from cleaners to doctors – face an increased risk of catching COVID-19; they all deserve to be paid a wage they can afford to live on.

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I have received an unprecedented amount of emails from constituents regarding policy issues, including the Black Lives Matter movement and the Gender Recognition Act. Thank you for contacting me and raising your concerns and support. I am responding to everyone individually however, due to increased levels of correspondence this is taking longer than expected.

If you have emailed me on an issue, I will respond to you. Thank you for your patience.


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