Would you like to see Prime Minister's Questions live in the chamber of the House of Commons on Wednesday 26 February at midday at Westminster?

If so, please enter the ballot for my ticket allocation, which is now open. If you can attend with a plus one (I have two tickets in total), please enter the ballot by sending your name, postal address (you must be a constituent) and contact information to meghilliermp@parliament.uk 

The deadline for entries is Thursday 20 February.

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The Windrush scandal exposed the Home Office’s systemic problems. Too many in Hackney are being let down.


To cope with Windrush and the potential non-Caribbean Commonwealth applications as well as EU citizens major improvements must be made.


I repeatedly challenged the Government to step up its efforts and ensure mistakes aren’t repeated.

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This week I attended the APPG on Knife Crime’s first meeting to help get it up and running again. No child, in Hackney or anywhere else, should be afraid to walk around their neighbourhood.

See me discuss this and more in my new weekly round-up.

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As Chair of the Public Accounts Committee, I've repeatedly raised concerns over Ministry of Defence spending. See our most recent report by clicking here.

Today I again challenged the Government over its plans for yet another defence review.

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My week began on Monday with moving testimony from a Holocaust survivor at Holocaust Memorial Day. It was a timely reminder that we must stand up to anti-Semitism wherever we see it.

This week I also challenged the Prime Minister over the GP shortages crisis and the health minister over delays in the breast cancer screening programme.

I was also confirmed as the Chair of the Public Accounts Committee. I’m looking forward to taking up the reins again and challenging the Government over how it spends your money.

See me discuss this and more in my new weekly round-up.

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I know in Hackney, patients are waiting weeks for a GP appointment. GP shortages are at a crisis point. 

See me challenge the Prime Minister on what he is doing to bring down waiting times now. 

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This week:

- The Withdrawal Agreement Bill passed through Parliament and became law

- The Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government agreed to meet with me in February to discuss unsafe cladding in Hackney

 - I put my hat in the ring to be Chair of the Public Accounts Committee


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