We’re living through a climate emergency.

We need to reach a net zero carbon economy as soon as possible.

I’m proud that Labour-run Hackney Council is leading the way. They’re fast greening their fleet of vehicles, sourcing 100% of their energy from renewable sources by 2020, and working with residents to promote green initiatives. The solar panels and green energy co-op set up by residents in Banister House, where I filmed my video, are an excellent example.

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Hackney has a housing crisis. 

I see the impact of overcrowding, insecure private tenancies, and unaffordable house prices at every advice surgery I hold. 

We urgently need a Labour Government to build properly affordable social-rented homes, and stand-up for private renters’ rights.

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I've long supported Big Breakfast, which works in Hackney schools to feed young people who aren't getting breakfast at home. Sadly when schools are closed for the summer, holiday hunger becomes a real issue for too many families in our constituency.

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Are you under 18 and an EastEnders fan?

Summer holidays mean lots more time to get creative so I’m extending the deadline for my EastEnders set-design competition. Send your entries in by 10th September to be in with a chance of winning a visit to the EastEnders set.

Young people can enter by either drawing (minimum A4 paper) or making a 3-D model of a shop, house, or location that will help make the EastEnders set reflect the modern, up-to-date East End. 

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After years of austerity, the magic money tree has appeared for Boris Johnson’s reckless megaphone diplomacy with Brussels.

This is money that should be spent on health, education, housing – on the issues that affect us in our day-to-day lives.

See me discuss this in my new weekly round-up below.

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After winning the support of 0.13% of the country, Boris Johnson is our new prime minister and already he’s wasted no time in resurrecting the Brexit fantasy of 2016.

It is worrying that an economically and socially ruinous No Deal Brexit has now become a mainstream position in the Conservative Party. I will continue working with colleagues across Parliament to make sure this destructive outcome is taken off the table as soon as possible.

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Has the new Prime Minister found a magic money tree?

See me challenge Boris Johnson on how he has promised the Earth but can't tell us how he'll pay for it.

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After nearly a decade of funding cuts local authorities are struggling. 

See me challenge the Government to look at the impact of their cuts on homelessness prevention and ensuring that people have decent homes to live in. 

Watch the full Housing, Communities, and Local Government questions session here

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I’m supporting The Food Chain in their appeal to raise £100,000 in the next 9 months so they can continue their vital work.

The Food Chain is a charity which has been providing invaluable support for over 30 years to Londoners living with HIV. A dedicated small staff team alongside more than 200 volunteers provide food and support for people during times of crisis.

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This week I arranged an emergency meeting with Lord Agnew, the Minister with responsibility for free schools, to help resolve the current crisis with Hackney New School. I’ll be keeping a close eye on the situation and holding the Department for Education to account to make sure no current pupils miss out.

See me discuss this as well as the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) new report on Crossrail and my Hackney nomination for the All-Party Corporate Responsibility Group’s 2019 Responsible Business Champions award, in my new weekly round-up.

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