This week we received good news about the early promising signs of a vaccine that could help tackle the COVID-19 virus.

If the vaccine is successful, it is vital the Government grapples with the key logistical challenge of ensuring enough doses are successfully rolled out across the UK at speed. I challenged the Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, about his plans for this (see here) and I will continue pressing the Government to get this right. 

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The Government’s sudden and chaotic lockdown announcement last weekend has dominated parliamentary discussion and debate this week.

Weeks ago Keir Starmer called for a shorter, circuit break lockdown over half term. Instead we are locked down again until 2 December. The Government’s economic planning has been inadequate, with the announcement of the furlough scheme extension made within hours of its planned end. The announcement came too late for those already made redundant.

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Yesterday the Chancellor announced a new last minute package of economic support. This is his third major economic announcement in under a month – his original Winter Economic Plan has not even survived to the winter.

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See my weekly round up for my take on the Government’s testing fiasco and the impact on Hackney. People have been turned away from the two walk-in centres in the borough. The Secretary of State undertook to look into the matter. The Government needs to get to grips with this quickly; it’s critical, particularly with a second wave looming.

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This week the Government confirmed what has become increasingly evident over the previous months: it is one rule for them and another for everyone else. 

I was astounded to see the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland admit that the Government was preparing to break international law. The UK Government is proposing to unilaterally rewrite previously agreed sections of the EU Withdrawal Agreement. When this comes before Parliament next week, I’ll be working with my Labour colleagues to stop this.  

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It’s great to see schools reopening safely but after six months of closure and remote learning, I’m concerned about the attainment gap between the richest and poorest students.

Students preparing for their A-Level and GCSE exams next year need extra time to catch-up on the months of missed schooling. I'm calling on the Government to look at slightly delaying the start of the exam season next summer. It is vital that students taking exams next year are not unfairly disadvantaged through no fault of their own.

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