I called out the Chancellor for delivering another smoke and mirrors Budget this week. The promises of extra money unravel when you look into the details. There is no money for the properly affordable housing that so many families in Hackney need and the school settlement is not enough to make up for past cuts. The money given to government departments will have to cover pay rises now that the public sector pay freeze has been lifted – but this has not been funded so schools, the NHS, and local government still face financial pressures.

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I recognise the impact of the pandemic but I believe bus services need to be regular and reliable and these should be a priority for investment.

Buses are a lot cheaper than the train or tube and these are just not affordable alternatives for many. I am keen to promote cycling but this is not an option for many Hackney residents who will continue to rely on the bus.

I will work with Hackney's representative to the London Assembly, Sem Moema, to monitor bus routes and push against the worst changes.

Click the pdf link below to read the reply in full. 

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Today's Budget is another smoke and mirrors budget. Promises of extra money unravel when you look into the details.For instance, the school settlement is not enough to make up for past cuts.

The Public Accounts Committee has also published a report pointing out that the Government's planned increase in school funding is lower for pupils in the most deprived areas and higher for the least deprived. See here to read that report. 


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This week Parliament returned from conference recess in a sombre mood following the tragic death of my colleague Sir David Amess MP. Sir David was brutally killed during an advice surgery in his constituency of Southend West last Friday. Supporting constituents is a vital part of our role as MPs in a representative democracy and I will continue to be available through the normal channels. My thoughts are with Sir David's widow and children. 


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This week the Prime Minister addressed the Conservative Party conference. His speech was heavy with the bluff and bluster but light on the detail for how this Government will support families hit hard by the cost of living crisis. He gave his speech on the same day the Government cut £20 per week from Universal Credit.

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COP 26 and climate emergency roundtable
Global leaders are meeting in Glasgow between the 1-12 November to coordinate the urgent next steps we must take to prevent a climate catastrophe. Leaders will also present their nationally determined contributions (each country’s roadmap for cutting their national carbon emissions). It will be the biggest summit our country has ever hosted and one of the most important.

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