The dominant issue this week in Parliament was the Prime Minister's behaviour. He denied there were any parties at Downing Street then admitted to attending one. His apology was not acceptable and his backbenchers should do the right thing and remove him.

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Increases in the global price of gas have seen energy bills rising. Next month, Ofgem will announce the new Energy Price Cap for April 2022 onwards. According to some estimates, bills could rise by 46 per cent. 


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The Government opened its long-awaited Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme last week. However, there are currently over 12,000 Afghan refugees already in the UK in temporary hotel accommodation waiting to be resettled. The Government needs to step up.


I also pressed the Minister for Afghan Resettlement on family reunion rules, particularly the challenges around the English language test. 

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The Government opened its long-awaited Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme last week. However, there are currently over 12,000 Afghan refugees already in the UK in temporary hotel accommodation waiting to be resettled. The Government needs to step up.


I also pressed the Minister for Afghan Resettlement on family reunion rules, particularly the challenges around the English language test. See my question and here response above.

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COVID-19 has meant that schools have had to implement measures to protect students and staff and this has been funded by the Government in the short term. I challenged the Education Secretary on how long this funding will continue as school budgets have been squeezed in the past decade. 


See my question and his response above. 


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Happy New Year!


We returned to Westminster on Wednesday and I challenged the Prime Minister directly on the shortage of lateral flow tests in Hackney and nationally, but he was unable to provide a clear answer. With the rise in cases due to Omicron, we have seen huge demand for lateral flow tests but supplies have not kept up. See here for my question in full. 


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I challenged the Prime Minister directly on the shortage of lateral flow tests in Hackney and nationally, but he was unable to provide a clear answer. With the rise in cases due to Omicron, we have seen huge demand for lateral flow tests but supplies have not kept up.


See my full question and his response above.

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My office will be shut over the Christmas period from 1pm on Friday 24 December and will re-open on Tuesday 4 January. During that time my emails and phones will not be monitored daily. 

For urgent assistance, please see below for a list of services that should be able to offer assistance.

I hope you all have a safe festive period.

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I've prepared a festive video as my Christmas e-card this year (see above). Please feel free to share with your friends and colleagues.

I hope you have a safe festive period.

Best wishes for Christmas and the new year.

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