See above for my weekly round-up of what I've been up to in Hackney and Westminster.

Labour called for and Parliament passed a motion in support of an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza and the immediate release of the Israeli hostages, the Public Accounts Committee published our report on online safety, and I've been liaising with the Council and the police about wider community safety issues.

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The Public Accounts Committee published our report into HS2 and Euston, Labour held a debate on its plan to tackle knife crime, and I visited Hackney residents so they could share with me the challenges they are facing. 

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See above for my weekly round-up of what I've been up to in Hackney and Westminster.

I voted against the Government's Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill and the Public Accounts Committee published our report on the Whole of Government Accounts. Tomorrow is also Holocaust Memorial Day, where we remember the 6 million Jews and others killed in the Holocaust as well as remember all those killed in genocides since. 

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See above for my weekly round-up of what I've been up to in Hackney and Westminster. This week I visited Fellows Court in Haggerston to hear from residents on the maintenance issues they've been facing, including leaks and a lack of hot water. The Public Accounts Committee looked at government efficiency savings - too often a byword for cuts. And Parliament was dominated by the Horizon IT scandal. 

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See above for my weekly round-up of what I've been up to in Hackney and Westminster. This week I voted against the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill, challenged senior officials at the Home Office on the costs of the Rwanda scheme, and visited the Bishopsgate Goodsyard development. 

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Please see above for my weekly round-up of what I've been up to in Hackney and Westminster. This week I spoke about shoplifting in the Criminal Justice Bill debate, challenged the Government's record on onshore wind, and saw Aladdin at the Hackney Empire.

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The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt MP, unveiled his Autumn Statement. Unfortunately, there was very little in there to help people in Hackney. Thanks to the thirteen years of failed Conservative government, households are paying more tax than they have for decades. And although the Chancellor made a great deal of cutting National Insurance by two per cent, this will do little to help the one in two Hackney children growing up in poverty. There was also little support for local government, which has had its budgets squeezed both by inflation and cuts.

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The Government unveiled its forthcoming legislative agenda this week in a ceremony called the King's Speech. This lays out the laws the Government want to pass in the next session of Parliament, which is likely to be the last one before the next General Election. Unfortunately, this Government has run out of steam, and its plan for the next year is very thin. There are some welcome changes - on renters' rights and leasehold reform - but the proposals aren't enough to satisfy the problems so many renters and leaseholders are facing. 

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I was really pleased this week to welcome a number of students and young people from Hackney to my Westminster Experience Day. They got the chance to talk to me and another MP, as well as senior members of staff at the House of Commons, about career opportunities in Parliament. Seeing such bright and politically engaged young people is always reassuring – they asked focused, sharp, and pertinent questions about the issues of the day. It is good to know the future of Hackney and the UK is in safe hands.  

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