Young Hackney – I want to hear your voice!

The English Speaking Union’s ‘Festival of Speaking’ is your chance to record a quick clip of you speaking about anything you are passionate about. You can also recite a poem or a play. 

Click here to find out more and don’t forget to use the hashtags #esuhackney and #esufestivalofspeaking so I can hear what you have to say.

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Weekend raves in local parks like London Fields cannot continue. Without proper safeguards, the Government’s rushed easing of alcohol licensing restrictions is only making things worse.

Of course, businesses need support but not at any cost. We have already seen antisocial behaviour on a scale that would have been unimaginable a few months ago.

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Before Covid-19 I held open advice surgeries at Hackney Town Hall twice a month for local residents as well as local doorstep surgeries.

With lockdown measures being slowly eased by the Government, I am looking at how to hold advice surgeries and meet with residents. I understand that not everyone has access to the internet and face to face appointments provide a vital service for many. However, ensuring everyone’s safety is the most important issue.

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I have received an unprecedented amount of emails from constituents regarding policy issues, including the Black Lives Matter movement and the Gender Recognition Act. Thank you for contacting me and raising your concerns and support. I am responding to everyone individually however, due to increased levels of correspondence this is taking longer than expected.

If you have emailed me on an issue, I will respond to you. Thank you for your patience.


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Already in Hackney, we’ve had pubs selling takeaway alcohol. This has caused scenes of havoc in places like London Fields with mounds of rubbish, urination and defecation. 

Hackney Council is on the case but the Government must get a grip and address the practicalities around the easing of restrictions.

The Government must also understand the cost to local taxpayers of the clean up and stewarding. The extra cost needs to be paid by the Government to protect already stretched local services.

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This is a difficult time for many people living in Hackney. However, there is support available to you. This is a quick changing situation and I will keep the below links updated. Please remember my office remains open so please email if you need any assistance. 

Government information: For all information and guidance released by the Government about Coronavirus (COVID-19), please see here;

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Enjoy your weekend in Hackney parks but please treat them with respect.

Hackney Council will be opening public toilets - if you get caught short don't use the bushes. Park staff have worked hard to keep these vital spaces open and clean. Please respect them and other park users

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Hackney South and Shoreditch is a hub for start-up businesses, especially in the tech sector. Many start-ups are, by definition, either pre-revenue, loss-making and/or stuck between funding-rounds. They were therefore locked out of any Government support through the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan scheme. 

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Personal protective equipment is a basic health and safety issue. The fact that frontline health workers are having to use bin bags to protect their lives is shameful and wrong. Homerton Hospital had to use science goggles from local schools and local sewers are making scrubs. St Joseph’s Hospice had to put out an emergency call for supplies and local dentists are struggling. This is completely unacceptable. Clearly, more needs to be done to protect NHS workers on the front line.

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