This week the Government confirmed what has become increasingly evident over the previous months: it is one rule for them and another for everyone else. 

I was astounded to see the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland admit that the Government was preparing to break international law. The UK Government is proposing to unilaterally rewrite previously agreed sections of the EU Withdrawal Agreement. When this comes before Parliament next week, I’ll be working with my Labour colleagues to stop this.  

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It’s great to see schools reopening safely but after six months of closure and remote learning, I’m concerned about the attainment gap between the richest and poorest students.

Students preparing for their A-Level and GCSE exams next year need extra time to catch-up on the months of missed schooling. I'm calling on the Government to look at slightly delaying the start of the exam season next summer. It is vital that students taking exams next year are not unfairly disadvantaged through no fault of their own.

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A new 'walk through' testing site has been opened in Bentley Road Car Park. 

It is vital that anyone with symptoms (a temperature, or a new persistent cough, or the loss of taste/smell) gets tested immediately. A fully functioning and effective test, track, and trace system is the only way we can live with COVID-19 and some semblance of normality.  

Book your free NHS test online here or call 119. 

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Now that fabric face coverings are compulsory in shops and on public transport, we’ll all need more. Using disposable ones generates waste and we need to preserve medical grade mask supplies for carers, medical staff, and front-line workers such as shop assistants and transport workers.

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All students are due to return to school in the coming weeks. I’m clear that getting children back to school safely and a having plan in place for any Covid-related disruption must be the Government's top priority.


A number of constituents contacted me expressing concerns about how schools can re-open safely. I have now received this response from the Department for Education. I welcome the £650 million catch-up premium for schools and the £350 million National Tutoring Programme that will target support for the most disadvantaged pupils.


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I’m proud at how Hackney, and everyone involved with the NHS in Hackney, has pulled together during this public health emergency. Never has it been more apparent that it is the tireless and unwavering commitment of frontline staff that helps keep our NHS going. We all owe a debt of gratitude to the 1.3 million-strong army of nurses, midwives, doctors, physios, pharmacists, healthcare and maternity care assistants, porters, cleaners, and countless other staff who ensure that our NHS is there for every patient that needs it.

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It’s GCSE results day today!


I know this year has been especially difficult. You've all done so well completing an important stage in your education.


My thoughts are with everyone getting their results today.

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On Monday, the Government listened to young people and were forced to u-turn on the A-level results shambles.

Now the Government must do the same again on free travel for under-18s in London. Scrapping free travel is effectively a tax on education.

The Government should listen to the voice of young Hackney and young London and u-turn on this. 

If you agree, sign the petition here

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