Meg's Weekly Round-Up: Friday 25 March 2022
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This week the Chancellor delivered his Spring Statement. He unveiled an increase in the threshold for paying National Insurance and a tax cut in two years’ time. These announcements do nothing to help people struggling now. I challenged the Chancellor and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury directly on this. See here and here.
The Public Accounts Committee published our report on government preparedness for the COVID-19 pandemic in which we raised concerns about the Government’s approach to risk management. No one in government is currently tasked with forming an overarching view of whole system risks, ensuring that all departments are adequately prepared for them. On its current path, the Government will be similarly unprepared for the ‘next major crisis’ and is also failing to take on the important lessons in crisis and risk communication with the public. You can view the report here.
It was a delight to meet pupils and staff at St Dominic's Catholic Primary School today.